Floor Abdominals
Elevated Legs, Bent
Spice it up. This time bring your thighs to vertical and bend your knees to 45 degrees.
Now lift the shoulders from the floor, and keep the abdominal muscles continuously contracted. Lift your hands from the mat with the palms still facing down and keep your arms straight. Raise your hands up a couple of inches and push them down hard. Perform this motion rhythmically for one hundred arm movements, about twice every second. It's easier if you imagine that you're repeatedly tapping on an invisible pillow, while never touching the mat. Remember to keep the small of your back against the floor.
When breathing, exhale slowly through pursed lips, count five arm movements, and inhale. If you're doing the exercise correctly, you'll notice that every time you push the hands down, the contraction of the muscles helps push the air out.
Floor Abdominals
Floor Stretches
The One Hundred Series